Calcium Supplementts

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Calcium Supplement: Uses ,Doses And Side Effects

Calcium is one of the most important minerals in our body and helps keep it running. It’s essential for bones, teeth, heart function, nerves firing properly – even blood clotting! Good calcium sources are milk & dairy products as well as kale & broccoli; we can also find a little bit from other foods like citrus juice or mineral water. You may already be getting your daily intake by consuming these foods but if you feel that there might not be enough to help out with whatever issue(s) you’re having then make sure to take additional supplements too.

Calcium is found in many foods, including milk and dairy products. Taken by mouth as a supplement for the treatment of low calcium levels or prevention thereof, it also serves to strengthen bones weakened from conditions such as rickets (vitamin D deficiency) that occur mostly in children. It can be used when high levels of parathyroid hormone are detected; this usually only occurs among those with an overactive gland called hyperparathyroidism but may occasionally present itself due to other causes like kidney disease too! Other possible uses include PMS which also has symptoms related primarily to hormonal changes during menstruation – because our bodies do not produce enough estrogen on its own without some help, taking calcium helps regulate these hormones and minimize their effects on moods commonly.

How Calcium does Work:

It is a wonder that our bones stay strong and healthy, without ever being replenished with calcium. It’s not just the soft tissues in your body that are made of this mineral – nearly every part contains it too Your teeth, blood cells, muscles… they all have some degree of calcium within them. This powerful element helps to keep us alive by providing strength for our fragile forms as well as preventing osteoporosis (a condition where excessive bone loss causes brittle or thinning bones). But there’s more work you can do on behalf of those precious structures holding you up: from time to time we should make an effort to replace any lost minerals through what we eat in order to maintain optimal levels at all times.

Side Effect of Calcium:

Calcium is LIKELY SAFE for most people when taken by mouth and in recommended amounts (about 1000-1200 mg daily). It can cause some minor side effects such as belching or gas. But calcium may be POSSIBLY UNSAFE if you take it more than the prescribed amount, which is 2000 milligrams of vitamin D per day. Taking large doses could lead to serious side effects, including milk-alkali syndrome – a condition that can lead to renal stones, kidney failure, and death!

When taken orally: Calcium might not have any significant disadvantages other than causing occasional intestinal discomforts like diarrhea or constipation but at least we don’t know so far about its possible dangers because no one has ever tested this.

 Precautions & Warnings For patients:

Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Calcium is LIKELY SAFE when taken by mouth in recommended amounts during pregnancy and breastfeeding. There is not enough information available on the safety of using calcium intravenously (by IV) during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Calcium is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken during pregnancy by mouth in doses above the daily tolerable upper intake level (UL). The UL is 3000 mg under 18 years of age and 2500 mg for over 18 years of age. Higher doses might increase the risk of seizures in the infant. Be sure to consider total calcium intake from both dietary and supplemental sources of calcium. This includes over-the-counter antacids. Try not to take more than 1000-1200 mg of calcium from supplements per day unless prescribed by your doctor. Some women may be prescribed calcium to prevent high blood pressure during pregnancy.

Dosage Forms & Strengths


  • 150mg
  • 200mg
  • 250mg
  • 950mg
  • 1040mg


  • 760mg/3.5g


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